Natural Acne Treatments

Monday, July 31, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Acne Treatment Reviews

We have conducted acne treatment reviews in order to bring you the most important information regarding various treatments and their effectiveness. Experimenting with products can be time consuming, expensive, and pointless if you fail to find a successful remedy. Knowing what the cause of acne is and how each individual remedy treats it may make your decision much easier than letting a dermatologist make the decisions for you.

Our acne product review shows that topical over-the-counter treatments, such as Clearasil and Oxy, are harsh on the skin and require continued use in order to keep their effect. They will often make the condition of the skin worse rather than clearing or preventing breakouts. This is due to the ingredient Benzoyl Peroxide, which has been shown to be the cause of blistering, burning, swelling, and increased skin inflammation in its users.

Accutane is a very effective treatment against severe cases of acne that are unresponsive to other treatments. Our acne treatment reviews show that taking this medication requires much consideration toward the benefits compared to the serious side effects that may occur. The acne product review specific to this treatment also showed that many users suffered from depression and thoughts of suicide. Females are required to also take birth control when using the product due to the significant chance of birth defects developing or possibly even death in the unborn child.

Laser treatment is an option that is highlighted in the acne treatment reviews as being effective in improving the appearance of skin and eliminating breakouts. A yellow laser is used to destroy the bacteria that is beneath the skin's surface. Pimples are unable to form from the oil build up alone. However, there have been no conclusive studies to show the safety of the procedure, specifically in the long-term. Although it will improve the condition now, it may cause worse problems later in life.

A natural cure acne review proves that it is ostensibly the only option that is free from side effects. Natural treatments can clear your skin from the inside out. Vitamins, antioxidants, a good diet, and regular exercise effectively reduce the signs and symptoms of troubled skin. Any natural cure acne review will emphasize how your internal health plays an intricate part in the condition of your skin.

Antioxidants are found in many vitamins, such as Vitamin E. They fight off the negative effects of free radicals, which are biproducts created from your own metabolism and digestive system, so that they cannot attack your healthy cells. Acuzine is a new natural treatment that has proven effective in the acne product review. It contains all natural ingredients that work together to improve the condition of the skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

Acne treatment reviews are the most useful tool in making decisions regarding your skin. It is important to avoid any remedy that may make your condition worse or cause long-term negative effects. Our natural cure acne review considers Acuzine to be one of the best treatments available to clear up and prevent future breakouts. If you have found yourself getting nowhere with remedies that you have tried before, consult acne treatment reviews to gain an understanding of what may provide you the best success.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

What are the types of acne?

Many people want to learn about the different types of acne, a condition that affects the skin of mostly the face, chest and back of teenagers and adults worldwide. As you may already know, it can range from mild to severe and appear in various forms.

Acne can be generally categorized into three groups. Acne vulgaris is the most common form that plagues the skin, and is usually considered mild to moderate in severity. Whiteheads, or closed comedones are formed when a pore is completely blocked and the oil (or sebum), bacteria and dead skin cells are trapped under the skin causing a white appearance on the surface.

Blackheads, or open comodones, are formed when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing some of the sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells to escape to the skin’s surface. The dark color is the body’s melanin reacting with oxygen in the air.

Then you have papules, tender, small rounded, red bumps that are inflamed without a head; pustules which are inflamed red circles with white or yellow centers, the common pimple or zit that is most identified with types of acne. More serve types are nodules and cysts. Nodules occupy a larger area of the skin than the other types of acne mentioned above. They are hard bumps under the skin’s surface. Cysts can be painful because they are pus-filled.

The second of the major types of acne is acne rosacea. It appears similar to acne vulgaris but affects most people over the age of 30. These types of acne cause a red rash on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. Papules and pustules can also accompany it, but blackheads are not categorized with this condition. Women seem to be affected by these types of acne more than men. If this left untreated, it can disfigure the nose causing swelling and the growth of excess tissue caused rhinophyma.

The last group is the most severe form and is rare and disfiguring. Acne conglobata is a condition that appears mostly in males from ages 18 to 30 years old. Numerous large lesions that are interconnected beneath the skin’s surface characterize the most severe form of acne vulgaris. This is accompanied with blackheads that are found not only on the face, but also on most of the body. Acne fulminans is a type of acne similar to acne conglobata but it includes a fever and aching of the joints. Pyoderma faciale is a severe type of acne that affects females from ages 20 to 40 years old. It is characterized by large, painful nodules and pustules and is confined to the face. Though it only lasts about a year, it can cause severe scarring and skin damage.

Mild types of acne can be treated with over-the-counter formulas that clear the pores of the skin, such as salicylic acid. Benzoyl Peroxide fights the acne bacteria in the skin and is also effective at controlling mild to moderate types of acne. A dermatologist might prescribe a prescription medicine such as Erythromycin to work at killing bacteria from the inside.

For severe forms of most types of acne or if other treatments have not worked, Accutane or Isotretinoin is prescribed. It is a pill taken orally that decreases the amount of sebum that the glands produce. It is taken for about 6 months and is known to clear skin of virtually all types of acne. But, severe side affects can occur, including birth defects; close observation by a physician during treatment is required.