Natural Acne Treatments

Thursday, June 29, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Home Cure For Acne

Discovering a home cure for acne could be just what you need to get clear skin once again. Natural remedies are free from harmful side effects that may further add to the problem. Vitamins, antioxidants, exercise, and a healthy diet are some of the most successful home remedies for acne.

Knowing and understanding what causes your skin to break out is a good first step in determining what treatment options might work for you. Your skin secretes sebum, which is the natural oil that is produced by the sebaceous glands in order to keep your skin moisturized. This oil should escape through the pores, but when they become blocked the oil will build up and breed with bacteria beneath the skin's surface.

The resulting infection is what we all know as acne. For some people, this will clear up on its own. Unfortunately for most of us, we are in search of an effective prescription treatment or home treatment for acne.

A dermatologist may prescribe an oral antibiotic or a topical medication. These may effectively get rid of the breakouts, but most will cause some side effects. Benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in Clearasil, PanOxyl, and Oxy 5 among many other popular treatments, has painful side effects such as painful burning and swelling. Laser treatment is one of the newer options for getting rid of acne. This procedure is done using a yellow light to destroy the bacteria that is naturally found beneath the skin. When this factor is not present, acne can not form. The downside is that the long-term effects have not been determined and could be dangerous. An alternative to expensive prescriptions and harsh over the counter medicines is using a home cure for acne.

Oftentimes, using a home treatment for acne can be just as effective, but without all of the possible side effects. A healthy diet will keep your body in top shape so that it is able to fight the infection. Stress causes the sebaceous glands to produce excess amounts of oil. Daily exercise can be relaxing and stress relieving. Vitamins and antioxidants, such as Vitamins C and E reduce the cell damage that is caused by acne, boost your immunity, and control infections. Taking vitamins, eating healthy, and exercising regularly are effective home remedies for acne that are beneficial without any risks.

A new natural product that you might want to consider is called Acuzine. It contains all natural skin clearing ingredients, such as Vitamins C and E as mentioned earlier, and also helps reduce the appearance of acne scars. Taking this product once a day either by itself or partnered with exercise is a great home treatment for acne.

Visit your dermatologist to go over your options for treating blemished skin. Although more serious cases often need to be treated with harsh prescription medications or surgical procedures, a home cure for acne just might work in your case.

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatment

A microdermabrasion acne procedure is one to consider if your facial skin has suffered scarring due to nodules, cysts or other severe forms of acne. The treatment will remove the skin’s top layer of dead cells and smooth scarred tissue. This procedure works especially well for those who have suffered rare, disfiguring acne conditions. Microdermabrasion smooths the surface of the skin, removes very fine lines, stimulates collagen production, and reduces skin imperfections.

Microdermabrasion acne scars removal is an option for people whose severe breakouts result in scars on the face. However it will not work on acne scars that are very deeply imbedded in the skin; it is for scars that have not extremely deep, but are closer to the outer layer of skin. It's important to note that acne microdermabrasion is not a good choice for those individuals with the following conditions: rosacea, herpes, warts, eczema, lupus, and diabetes. Other conditions may also influence the safety of the treatment and a dermatologist will help to determine what is best for each patient.

Acne microdermabrasion will further promote new skin cell production in the deepest layer of the skin as it clears dull and congested skin. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and maximum results are achieved between 4 to 12 visits, depending on the severity of the skin in the area. Skin in the acne dermabrasion area will be slightly pink for a couple of weeks afterward.

Patients find the skin from acne dermabrasion to be tight for the first 24-48 hours. One’s skin may feel like a mild sunburn or windburn, but any further pain is not common. Using a good moisturizer along with a high SPF will help soothe skin after the microdermabrasion acne scars treatment. Also, some peeling and light crusting may be expected in the area. No anesthesia is needed for the procedure, since it is non-invasive. Patients can drive home right after. Patients will see results for up to a year and as such maintenance will be required.

Microdermabrasion acne scar treatment is a good option for those who wish to unclog pores and reduce fine acne scarring. It may be the answer for some individuals, but a trip to the dermatologist is the first step to consider before this procedure. Acne microdermabrasion results will last if done properly and the healing of skin proves to heal acne scars, as well as the individual’s overall appearance.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Causes of Cystic Acne

The causes of cystic acne are an overproduction of sebum and a buildup of bacteria in the skin, which may be influenced by the male hormone androgen. Similar to common breakouts, acne is considered cystic when it is severe and causes deep, inflamed and painful legions.

Increased oil production and hormonal changes, such as are found in teenagers, prove too much for the skin to handle and the problem often becomes uncontrollable. Heredity can play a part in just how pronounced the problem is. If a parent suffered from severe acne, most likely the children will be more prone to cystic acne also. Nodules and cysts that produce inflammation and pus on the skin are common symptoms. These lesions can last for months and cause pain and damage to the skin.

Sufferers wonder how to get rid of cystic acne. A good starting point is getting medical assistance and guidance from a dermatologist. He or she might recommend acne surgery, which entails draining and extracting acne lesions. A dermatologist uses sterile instruments to extract imbedded lesions that have not responded to traditional treatments. Another answer to how to get rid of cystic acne is Interlesional Corticosteroid Injections. A dermatologist will inject a mild corticosteroid directly into an inflamed legion. This causes elimination of the cyst slowly over a period of a few days.

No matter what the causes of cystic acne, Isotretinoin can also work to clear up problem skin. Sold as Accutane, it is a prescription drug derived from a man-made form of vitamin A. It is a pill, taken orally, for a range of about 5 to 6 months that lessens the production of sebum in the pores. Accutane has many benefits as well as many side effects, so it's important to learn about these before beginning treatment. But, this drug may be one answer to how to get rid of cystic acne. Accutane’s benefit is clear skin that lasts for years, sometimes with only one treatment. A second treatment may be taken if results are not as positive as the patient desires.

Another potential cystic acne cure is a product called Acuzine, which is a natural alternative to prescription meds such as Accutane and Retin-A. This is a special herbal formula with antioxidants that can treat problem skin from the inside out.

While the exact causes of cystic acne remain unknown, there are ways to safely and effectively treat the problem if you or your child experiences it. Speak to your dermatologist and find out how to get rid of cystic acne once and for all.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Back Acne Treatment

Back acne is a type of skin condition found on the back, rather than the more common places such as the face and neck area. Modern science does not know exactly what causes the outbreaks, but several factors might contribute to it.

It is thought to be possibly caused by tight-fitting clothes that don't allow the skin to breathe and trap perspiration under the skin leading to clogged pores. All of the types of blemishes that are common on the face can also appear on the back. Back acne appears in the form of papules and pustules as well as whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads occur when the pore is clogged with bacteria, sebum (or oil) and dead skin cells. Blackheads occur when the pore is partially clogged with the same elements. Papules appear as tiny, red bumps on the skin and pustules are similar bumps that have a yellow or white pus-filled center. These back acne types are more resistant to treatment than the acne that appears on the face.

If you suffer from acne back get rid of the problem in a variety of ways. The most common way is to wash the area after perspiring to reduce the bacteria and sebum. Over-the-counter remedies such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can help to clear the pores, but the solutions need to be in higher concentrationa than would be used on the face. Tea tree oil can also help get rid of back acne by applying it to dry skin in a thin layer at least twice a day. Finally, try to wear cotton fibers while exercising to allow pores to breathe and remain dry.

One of the most effective back acne treatment methods is a new formula called Acuzine, which can be as effective as prescription medications without the accompanying side effects. It is an antioxidant supplement that can kill the bacteria and prevent future breakouts from occurring.

A more serious approach may be needed if back acne does not clear with over-the-counter products. Some of the more powerful drugs that can be prescribed are antibiotics such as erythromycin or tetracycline. These work to kill the excessive bacteria in the body, however, the results only last for as long as the back acne treatment is administered. Plus, you can develop a resistance to antibiotics over time.

If all remedies for back acne treatment do not work, Accutane or isotretinoin, works to reduce the amount of sebum the pores produce. However, because these are more potent, the side effects can be a lot more serious.

Talk to your dermatologist about your options when it comes to treating back acne as well as breakouts and blemishes anywhere on your body. He or she will point you in the right direction.

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Acne Vulgaris Treatment

Acne Vulgaris is a form of acne that affects people all over the world. It is mainly found in teens, but adult cases are quite common. The exact cause of the condition is unknown.

All cases begin with a comedo, or acne lesion, that is clogged with oil and bacteria. It lies beneath the skin and grows as the skin produces oil (sebum). The bacteria feed off the oil and it can become enlarged and swollen. If this occurs, the skin in turn becomes irritated as white blood cells try to fight the inflammation.

If the clogged follicle stays beneath the surface of the skin, but does not become inflamed, it is called a whitehead, or closed comedone. If the plug enlarges and pushes through the skin’s surface, it is called an open comedone or blackhead. The dark appearance of the plug is due to the melanin buildup on the surface and not dirt.

Acne vulgaris can cause skin to become inflamed. The mildest form of this inflammation is a papule, which appears as a small, hard bump on the skin. Pustules are similar to papules but they have a white or yellow center. This type of acne vulgaris is inflamed and causes irritation. A nodule is a large legion that can be painful and last for a few months. Cysts are similar to nodules, but are pus-filled and also leave deep scars. Both cause scarring and can last for a few months. A rare form is called acne conglobata. This is a condition that usually affects men between the ages of 18 to 30 years old. It affects the face, chest, back, upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It can cause severe scarring of the body.

Acne Vulgaris treatment can range from over-the-counter solutions such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, found in popular topicals such as Clearasil and Stridex, which fight to clear the skin by reducing the bacteria on the surface and clearing the pores. Other over-the-counter methods that can be used are mild scrubs that will not irritate the skin or tea tree oil (an oil from Australia that has anti-bacterial properties).

Glycolic Acid, a fruit acid that exfoliates the skin to cause quicker cell turnover, works to clear pores quickly and fight clogged pores. In its earlier use, it was only used in a dermatologist’s office, but now it can be purchased over-the-counter in low percentages of the acid.

One of the most promising acne vulgaris treatment products is called Acuzine, an all-natural antioxidant supplement that can treat the problem from the inside out, effectively destroying the acne and preventing its return.

For more severe cases, one must visit a dermatologist for stronger acne vulgaris treatment. Medications such as Accutane or Retin-A may be prescribed. Accutane, or isotretinonin, should only be used when the skin has not responded to other acne vulgaris treatment. It is usually very successful to clear skin of even the worst conditions, but it has serious side effects.

Most people will experience dry face and chapped lips when they take Accutane. Those two side effects are the most common; but other side effects are more serious such as birth defects, neurological and other physical problems and possibly depression. However, if your condition has not improved with OTC remedies, and Accutane is the last resort, the promise of a successful acne vulgaris treatment may outweigh the possible risks.

Monday, June 12, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

How to Treat Baby Acne

Did you know that there is such a thing as baby acne? Actually it is more common than you might think. Many newborns show signs of acne within two weeks of birth. This doesn't mean that your baby will have blemishes forever; it just needs to be recognized and treated.

Baby acne is one of the most difficult forms to understand. Many scientists still do not know the answer to why your newborn gets blemished skin. Some believe that the hormones received by the mother at birth could be the cause of baby acne. Others believe that medications that the mother is taking while breastfeeding might be the reason. Unfortunately there is no right or wrong answer as to what gives your newborn acne, but there are ways to help prevent and treat it.

There may be no clear answer as to why newborn acne develops, but there are a few ways to help relieve this problem. Be sure to use mild detergents that have been washed thoroughly. This is to prevent irritation. A baby's skin is much more sensitive to strong detergents than ours and may cause the acne to worsen or even cause a rash. Be sure to clean any milk or food from your baby's face gently. Just like with adults, baby acne does not get better if you try to scrub it away. A baby is easily scarred from the smaller things, and acne is no exception, so please do not try to scrub your baby's face. These preventative methods are the best acne baby treatment.

Sometimes the best answer for how to treat baby acne is simple...have patience. Many newborns will close their pumples within two weeks, perhaps a little longer. It is vital that you keep you baby's face clean and to not apply moisturizer or any other acne treatment medications that you have used for yourself. These types of medications are much too strong and can cause irritation to an infant's skin.

Many people may be concerned at first sight of the rash-like appearance. You may even be tempted to take your baby to the doctor to find an acne baby treatment. The reality is that there really isn't any medication for blemishes that is safe for using on a baby's delicate skin.

If you have kept your child clean and laundered their clothes and blankets properly and the problem hasn't gotten better, then it may be something else. There are many different types of skin rashes that are more predominant in babies than in adults, which means if it doesn't look like tiny pimples, then it is best to get it checked by a doctor just to be safe.

You may be concerned about how to treat baby acne, but the only medicine is patience and cleanliness. An acne baby treatment more than likely will never be prescribed because as of today, there isn't a market for such medications. Baby acne may be a nuisance, but it will most certainly go away within a few weeks.

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Murad Acne Complex

Trying to decide between a medication like the Murad Acne Complex or an all-natural remedy can be a tough decision. Sometimes what is right for one person may not be the best solution for another. This is why it is important to get as much information from your dermatologist about treatment options, or at least do as much research on your own in order to make an informed decision.

Murad acne treatment is like Proactiv and other skin care systems that offer a number of different products to be used together to resolve skin issues. Each kit comes with a cleanser, exfoliating gel, skin lotion, and of course a spot treatment compound. All of these elements combined create the Murad Acne Complex.

This is quite a lot of medication that you will be applying to your skin and it is no surprise that during the beginning of your treatment you may have the same experience that others do. You may experience breakouts when you first start using this product. This is called the purging process. When you introduce new chemicals to the skin, sometimes the pores get kicked into overdrive and start producing excess oil (sebum) and this is where the extreme breakout comes from. Your skin will eventually get used to the product as long as you continue to use it twice a day as directed.

Even though the Murad acne treatment solution uses chemicals, there are a few natural ingredients. These include apricot kernel, tangerine, lemon and lime essential oils with antioxidants that will provide protection for the skin against environmental damage.

Although the Murad Acne Complex and Proactiv solution are two popular blemish treatments, there are natural products on the market that are more effective, without the potential adverse reactions to multiple chemicals.

One promising natural alternative to Murad Acne Complex is called Acuzine, and it is made up of all natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help clear up pimples and blemishes and prevent future breakouts, while restoring the natural balance of your skin.

Because it is an oral solution, Acuzine works from the inside out, attacking the underlying causes of breakouts. Therefore, you do not need to use multiple products for extended periods of time, like with Murad acne treatment and similar solutions.

Talk to your dermatologist about the various treatment options you have when it comes to fighting acne and blemished skin.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

How to Remove Whiteheads

Before you try to remove whiteheads on your own, it's important for you to realize what they are. Many people think that since it looks like a pimple, they can just use normal acne medication and the problem will go away. This is simply not the case with whiteheads.

First lets look at what exactly is happening within the skin that causes a whitehead. Every pore on your body creates oil, called sebum. Sebum lubricates and moisturizes your skin to keep it healthy. Problems begin to present themselves whenever the pore that the sebum is released from becomes blocked. If the pore remains open then the sebum will oxidize and turn black. However, if the pore closes up, the bacteria will begin to grow and leave the remains white, which is where the term whitehead originates. While this may look like a normal pimple, it is definitely not the same.

To begin clearing up whiteheads it should be mentioned that you never squeeze or try to remove them by pressure without the proper tools. If you squeeze and pick you will only break the skin and leave it open for infection and potentially leave a scar. The best way to remove whiteheads from your face is with a comedone remover. Comedone is just another name for the blockage of pores.

This tool is made of stainless steel and has an interesting loop design which helps remove the whitehead without damaging the skin. Using this device couldn't be simpler. You would use this tool immediately after steaming the face with a hot washcloth or after a hot bath. This is to insure that you can easily remove whitehead material. Once the whitehead breaks the top layer of the skin, press the loop end over the whitehead and the trapped material will be dislodged. Once this process is complete, be sure to clean your face again with warm water to ensure that everything has been removed from the pore.

If you find it difficult to remove whiteheads then you may consider using a cream or gel designed to treat blackheads. Many of the medications available for the treatment of blackheads will also be effective for clearing up whiteheads. Most of these medicines include retinoid, which will slow the growth of the white head before it becomes too big of a problem.

Depending on your face type, you may be given either a retinoid cream or lotion that will moisturize the skin and loosen the blockage. If you choose this route for clearing up whiteheads, it is important that you speak with a dermatologist to determine which type of treatment is best for you.

If home treatment isn't the way you'd prefer to go, then please talk to your dermatologist. There are procedures to remove whiteheads that only a licensed dermatologist can do, and sometimes these methods are the best.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Home remedies for acne scars exist for those who have embarrassing scarring following a breakout and do not want to deal with an expensive and painful surgical procedure. Although there is no foolproof way of completely eliminating the scars, there are ways to lessen the severity and create a more even-toned appearance.

Acne is a condition where the pores become clogged, preventing the natural oils from escaping to the surface of the skin the way they are supposed to. This buildup under the skin becomes infected as it mixes with bacteria that is naturally present beneath the skin's surface. Severe cases of cystic acne or less severe acne that has ruptured can cause scarring. The sensitive tissue and cells in your face become torn and the scar is formed as a part of the healing process.

If this happens you will want to know how to lighten red acne scars so that you can restore your skin to its normal condition. You might want to speak to your dermatologist first to see what your options are. Common methods for fading acne scars that they may recommend are: dermabrasion, collagen injections, and laser treatment. Dermabrasion is a painful procedure that is done under local anesthetic. The dermatologist will remove surface skin, which may leave your pigmentation uneven and require more than one treatment. Collagen injections may cause an allergic reaction and the results are only temporary. The most controversial option is laser treatment because it has yet to be determined what the long-term side effects will be.

Since all of these methods come with potential complications, many people like to try natural ways of fading acne scars before considering medical procedures.

There are existing home remedies for acne scars that are safe and effective. Collagen is a natural substance that is found within the body already. There are many different face washes that increase the amount of collagen to reduce wrinkles and make skin appear younger. These work effectively in reducing the appearance of acne scars as they make the tissues in the face fuller. If your concern is learning how to lighten red acne scars, you might want to try Vitamin E oil on your skin. For some people this has been effective method for fading acne scars over time.

Home remedies for acne scars are cheaper, safer, and in many cases just as effective as invasive procedures done in a doctor's office. It's just a matter of finding the one that works for you.

A wonderful new treatment that contains hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin E in its formula is a product called Acuzine. It is a natural formula that contains all of the home remedies for acne scars in one comprehensive supplement.

Acuzine is a once-daily capsule that can be taken for fading acne scars as well as reducing the potential for future breakouts. The best part is that because it is an all-natural mix of of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and herbal extracts, you don't have to be concerned about side effects as you would be with a surgical treatment or prescription medication.

Knowing how to lighten red acne scars with natural treatments can be helpful to those who were under the impression that a costly visit to the dermatologist was the only option. For severe acne scarring, you may just need a more powerful treatment, but for mild to moderate cases, home remedies for acne scars just may be the solution.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

   Featured Acne Treatment: ClearPores Skin Cleansing System

Acne Products

The are many acne products on the market today that can help clear your skin. However, they don't all work for everybody. Sometimes a simple over-the-counter cream can do the trick, other times you may need a more powerful prescription medication. Learning about all of your options is a good starting point.

There are pores all over everyone's face. They must remain open and clear in order to let natural oils drain to the skin's surface. In the event that a pore becomes clogged, the oil builds up and mixes with bacteria to form a painful, inflamed pimple.

Fortunately, there are acne skin care products that can not only help get rid of pimples, but also prevent new breakouts in some cases. Over the counter acne products are usually the first stop because they are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. Oxy, Clearasil, and Stri-Dex are the most common topical treatments that you can purchase without a prescription.

Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in Oxy, Clearasil, and many other acne products that you can find at your local drugstore. It is also a main component of Proactiv Solution, which can be purchased online. Although it can help with mild to moderate cases of skin blemishes, some users may experience itching, burning, and swelling of the treated areas.

Stri-Dex contains salicylic acid, which also has its share of possible side effects. This product can cause skin irritation, allergic reaction, peeling, and burning. Most over the counter acne skin care products have a significant chance of making acne worse rather than improving the condition. This is because they contain harsh ingredients that your skin may be sensitive to.

Short of prescription medications, some of the best acne products are natural supplements, namely antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can remedy your skin problems from the inside out. Rather than topical applications that are quite often ineffective, natural supplements are taken orally, and the nutrients within can help treat the pimple, rejuvenate the skin and prevent new breakouts from occurring. All of this is accomplished without the potential side effects of OTC and prescription acne skin care products.

One of the newest and best acne products on the market is a supplement called Acuzine, a natural antioxidant formula with vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts that have been shown to help eliminate acne, reduce scarring and restore natural balance to the skin. It is a revolutionary acne skin care product which might just hold the solution to blemished skin.

Besides over the counter topical solutions and natural supplements, there are a number of prescription acne products such as Retin A and Accutane, which contain stronger active ingredients for severe breakouts that don't respond to other treatments. These meds come with some side effects, so they should be a last resort for most individuals.

Talk to your dermatologist to find out best acne products for your skin. A cream or oral supplement may just work for you. If not, perhaps you need a stronger medication. In any event, rest assured that the solution is out there somewhere.